The name symbolizes several things. First, it refers of course to healing. Second, it refers to the double helix of DNA at the center of all life, and represents the ability to sustain life by means of integrating two sides of the same equation. On one side is the physician providing the services, on the other is the payer who must finance them. The equation is patient outcomes. Integrating the two is the “code” within the "DNA" of healthcare that represents science, data and the instructions for sustaining life. Just like DNA, the data, those instructions and their integration hold the power to build the framework and make the necessary repairs that translate to good health. Because we are focused on women's health care needs, the double XX refers to the two X chromosomes.
Our core mission at HEALiXX is to provide our member physicians with the tools necessary to deliver compassionate and effective care to their patients by harnessing the power of data and technology. We are empowered by data, but patient centered. Our focus will always be to make good patient care drive us to good data, rather than treat patients simply as data points to satisfy a check box. By selecting the right tools and the right partners, we believe we can restore integrity and compassion to healthcare. We believe in utilizing technology that works for us and our patients, not the other way around.
We believe that despite all the hand wringing and complaints about the demise of our healthcare system, complaints of physician burnout, and the corporate or government takeover medicine, the opportunities and tools to allow physicians to control their own destiny have never been better or more accessible. Be part of the solution! The solution is in the code. The code is HEALiXX.
Nigel A. Spier M.D.
The HEALiXX Group